The end result of automation (how to see it and how it will affect the goals)

Nowadays, modern companies are increasingly using automation in various industries, as it ...

Nowadays, modern companies are increasingly using automation in various industries as it helps to reduce labor costs, increase productivity and improve the quality of products.
However, how do you understand how much impact these changes have on the overall goals of the company and what results they will bring?

In this article, we will look at how automation shows its results and how they can impact business performance.

Benefits of automation

One of the ways to achieve the goals is to optimize the processes in the company. This item represents: measurement in increasing the efficiency of work by improving any tasks such as: integrations of platforms for comfortable work of personnel, cost reduction through specialized systems for certain routine tasks.

Let's take an example from accounting:

A company has decided to implement an automated system in the accounting department, similar to an electronic document management system (EDMS). After a while, it can be noticed that the time spent on data processing in the company decreases and the number of errors decreases. In addition to other benefits of optimization in the company, employees also save a large amount of money spent on paper.

Also, streamlining processes can lead to better collaboration between different departments in the company, reducing decision-making time and increasing overall productivity.

Analyzing the work

Another way to determine efficiency in a company is to analyze the work done. This item involves collecting data about the company's activities and analyzing its achievements before and after automation. Reporting also provides an opportunity to see how successful the company is in achieving its goals.
Results can be measured in different ways: in increased profits, reduced costs, or increased customer satisfaction.


Let's take a look at an example of how automation works in Logistics:

BEFORE automation:
A logistics company uses a manual system for tracking shipments, which requires a huge amount of time and human resources. Customers cannot always get up-to-date information about the location of their orders, which can lead to delays and dissatisfaction

AFTER automation:
The company also decided to create a portal and integrate a cargo tracking system that allows customers to track their orders in real time. The platform automatically displays up-to-date information on the location of shipments and warns of delays. This reduces information processing time and improves the quality of customer service.

Bottom line:
By implementing a tracking system, the company has reduced errors and increased the accuracy of cargo monitoring, which has improved customer satisfaction.
Manual processing costs were also reduced and employee efficiency was improved.

Staff performance

The most important way in which you can see the end result of automation is through effective employee performance. Productive communication within a company's ecosystem between different departments and with its customers can lead to faster and more accurate information transfer, which helps prevent errors and speed up processes. Cohesive and comfortable work between employees can lead to a better understanding of the company's goals and opportunities to achieve them. The results of communication can be measured in increased productivity and fewer errors.

Let's also take the Bank's work as an example:

Before the optimization of processes in the bank, work was less efficient, communication between departments was almost zero, which led to delays in processing applications and errors in work.
For example, loan officers did not always receive the necessary information about customers from the risk and insurance department, which made it difficult to make the right decisions.

To solve this problem, the company came up with the idea of implementing a Trello platform for all employees. Once integrated, departments could easily share information and track the progress of tasks.
A Kanban methodology was also implemented to help allocate tasks more efficiently and keep track of their completion.

In addition, the bank became many times more efficient and employees began to communicate more frequently between departments. This led to fewer errors and faster customer processing. Employees became more engaged in their work, as they could better understand the company's goals and objectives.
In addition, misunderstandings and delays have been reduced, which has improved the bank's overall productivity.


In the end, we looked at several ways to see the end result and understand how it can affect the company's goals. In addition, we realized that all modern companies need to keep up with the times and evolve for the better.

Our team can help you in this plan.
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