As practice shows, many entrepreneurs make the same mistakes.
The result? Tight deadlines, over budget, and a product that doesn't solve problems. At Sailet, we understand our clients who strive to maximize process efficiency. For more than 7 years we have been developing software solutions for business. We optimize processes and create client services.
1. Unclear project goals and objectives
One of the main mistakes is the lack of clearly defined goals. Many people start a project by saying, "I want something cool." Without specifics, the contractor will guess what you need, and you will get a product that doesn't solve the problem.
2. Underestimation of time and budget
Many entrepreneurs think that it is possible to develop a quality solution quickly and inexpensively. In reality, this is not the case: haste and minimal budgets often lead to poor quality and rework.
3. Trying to automate everything at once
Often entrepreneurs want to automate all processes at once. But this leads to overloading the team, increasing the cost of the project and reducing efficiency.
4. ignoring the opinion of employees
Employees are the ones who will work with the automated system. But if they are not involved in the process, the introduction of new technology may meet resistance.
5. Wrong choice of contractor
Too often, entrepreneurs choose a contractor based on price alone. But a cheap solution can cost more if it doesn't work properly. Pay attention to the company's portfolio and to reviews from its clients.
6. Lack of integration planning
If automation requires interoperability with existing systems, but integration is not well thought out, it will lead to duplication of tasks and data loss.
7. Ignoring testing
Skipping the testing phase is a guarantee of problems. Implementing an unfinished system can lead to failures, data loss and user dissatisfaction.
8. Lack of support and update plan
Once a project is launched, it is important to keep it running smoothly. But many people forget this and encounter problems in the first few months.
9. Expectation of instant results
Automation and IT product development is a long-term investment. But many entrepreneurs expect an instant payback and are disappointed if the effect is not immediately visible.
Development and automation can give your business a powerful boost. But only if you approach the process thoughtfully. Clear goals, quality TOR, the right contractor and attention to detail are the keys to success.
The Sailet team knows how to avoid all these mistakes. We can help you with formulating objectives, developing a plan, and launching a project that will truly deliver value. Want to discuss a project? Contact us!